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IRP notation: {38k,600,msb}<1,-1|1,-2|2,-1|2,-2>(5,(5,-2,D:4,F:8,C:4,1,-50)+) {C=7*(F:2:6)+5*(F:2:4)+3*(F:2:2)+(F:2)}
EFC translation: MSB

There are six variants of the DirecTV protocol, distinguished in RemoteMaster by the parameter "Parm" on the Setup page. The Parm value is shown in the Misc field of DecodeIR. The IRP notation above corresponds to the default Parm=3. The various Parm values correspond to three different frequencies (the 38k in the above) and two different lead-out times (the -50 in the above). The corresponding values are:

   Parm=0 : 40k, -15
   Parm=1 : 40k, -50
   Parm=2 : 38k, -15
   Parm=3 : 38k, -50
   Parm=4 : 57k, -15
   Parm=5 : 57k, -50 

Portions of a dirty learn of a Sony signal may look like a DirecTV signal. So, if you get a DirecTV decode together with a plausible Sony decode, believe the Sony decode and ignore the DirecTV. If you get a DirecTV decode without a Sony decode for some functions of a Sony device, try relearning them; a DirecTV decode for a signal meant for a Sony device is not likely to be correct.

This protocol was called Russound in versions of DecodeIR earlier than 2.40.

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